

Spiritual awakening, Spiritual guide, Spiritual definition

Spiritual Whispers TM

Spiritual awakening

Define spirituality... To place yourself on a path of understanding and trust with oneself.

Spirit is around you all the time, its just a matter of knowing they are there beside you. Everyone gets a gut feeling or the hairs stand up on the back of their neck; it's spirit letting you know they are there. by being in tune with your outer senses; you will have a spiritual wellness and gain spiritual guidance.

Spiritual guide

I smell a particular aroma when spirit is around me and depending on what aroma, determines which spirit guide is there with me. As well as the aroma, I also see, feel and hear spirit; this is known as clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience respectively.

spiritual reading

Spiritual definition

Spirit is there to guide you through live, not to judge or control. As a person on the living plane, you make your own judgements and life changes... Whether you listen to spirit is your choice.

Being in-tune with the spirit plain, assists you in understanding your 7 main chakras, your aura energy, helps you to meditate more easily, develop being a spiritual medium, enhance your clairvoyance psychic abilities and and have a spiritual wellbeing around you.

Being with spirit, is a life's journey and continues into the next life...

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